A.2.2 Variogram Points Cloud#

Table of Contents#

  1. Read point data,

  2. Create variogram points cloud,

  3. Detect and remove outliers.

  4. Calculate the experimental semivariance from the points cloud.


We will learn how to read and prepare data for semivariogram modeling, manually find the best step size between lags, and detect outliers in our data.

Variogram Point Cloud analysis is an additional, essential data preparation step that may save you a lot of headaches with more sophisticated analysis. You should learn about Variogram Point Cloud analysis before you move on to the semivariogram estimation and semivariogram fitting operations.

We use:

  • for points 1 and 2: DEM data stored in a file samples/point_data/txt/pl_dem_epsg2180.txt,

  • for points 3 and 4: Breast cancer rates data is stored in the shapefile in folder samples/regularization/cancer_data.gpkg.

Import packages#

import numpy as np

from pyinterpolate import Blocks, read_txt, calc_point_to_point_distance, VariogramCloud
from pyinterpolate.variogram.empirical.experimental_variogram import calculate_semivariance

1) Read point data#

dem = read_txt('samples/point_data/txt/pl_dem_epsg2180.txt')
sample_size = int(0.05 * len(dem))
indices = np.random.choice(len(dem), sample_size, replace=False)
dem = dem[indices]

# Look into a first few lines of data

dem[:3, :]
array([[2.51837397e+05, 5.45249474e+05, 2.11946869e+01],
       [2.41974281e+05, 5.38958171e+05, 1.64789104e+01],
       [2.45063630e+05, 5.43685759e+05, 1.90657024e+01]])

2) Set proper lag size with variogram cloud histogram#

We will generate the Variogram Point Cloud. We calculate it for 16 lags and test different cloud variogram visualization methods.

# Create analysis parameters

# Check max distance between points
distances = calc_point_to_point_distance(dem[:, :-1])
maximum_range = np.max(distances) / 2

number_of_lags = 16
step_size = maximum_range / number_of_lags

vc = VariogramCloud(input_array=dem, step_size=step_size, max_range=maximum_range)

Check how many points are grouped for each lag:

for idx, _lag in enumerate(vc.lags):
    print(f'Lag {_lag} has {vc.points_per_lag[idx]} point pairs.')
Lag 809.6271354731758 has 2 point pairs.
Lag 1619.2542709463517 has 4 point pairs.
Lag 2428.8814064195276 has 4 point pairs.
Lag 3238.5085418927033 has 12 point pairs.
Lag 4048.135677365879 has 8 point pairs.
Lag 4857.762812839055 has 16 point pairs.
Lag 5667.389948312231 has 14 point pairs.
Lag 6477.017083785407 has 16 point pairs.
Lag 7286.644219258583 has 16 point pairs.
Lag 8096.271354731759 has 14 point pairs.
Lag 8905.898490204934 has 10 point pairs.
Lag 9715.52562567811 has 14 point pairs.
Lag 10525.152761151287 has 16 point pairs.
Lag 11334.779896624463 has 8 point pairs.
Lag 12144.407032097637 has 10 point pairs.

As we see, there are a lot of points per lag! Data is messy, but to be sure, we must check its distribution. What are those points per lag? They are a set of semivariances between all point pairs within a specific lag. This information helps us to understand if there are any undersampled ranges. Then, we can change step_size accordingly (to avoid a situation where one lag has the order of magnitude less/more point pairs than the other).

We know the density of the points per lag. Now we can analyze semivariances distribution per lag. The VariogramCloud class has three plot types we use for analysis:

  1. Scatter plot. It shows the general dispersion of semivariances.

  2. Box plot - an excellent tool for outliers detection. It shows dispersion and quartiles of semivariances per lag. We can check distribution differences and their deviation from normality or skewness.

  3. Violin plot. It is a box plot on steroids. We can read all information from the box plot and see kernel density plots.

Let’s plot them all. The first is a scatter plot.


The output per lag is dense, and distributions are hard to read. But, we can follow a general trend and see maxima on the plot. We can make it better if we use a box plot instead:


The orange line in the middle of each box represents the median (50%) value per lag. The trend is more visible if we look into it. What else can be seen here?

  1. Dispersion of values is greater with a distance, but at the same time, median and the 3rd quartile of semivariance values are rising (3rd quartile is plotted as a horizontal line on a top of a box.

  2. The maximum value rises with a distance (it is a horizontal line on a top of a whisker).

  3. Data is skewed towards lower values of semivariance. Why? Because the median is closer to the bottom of a box than the center or the top.

  4. The 1st quartile (25% of the lowest values) is higher for distant lags.

We could stop our analysis here, but there is a better option to analyze data distribution than a box plot. We can use a violin plot:


The violin plot supports our earlier assumptions, but we can learn more from it. For distant lags, a distribution starts to be multimodal. We see one mode around very low semivariance values and another close to the 1st quartile. Multimodality may affect our outcomes, and it may tell us that there is more than one level of spatial dependency.

There is still the elephant in the room. Our data is pulled up with outliers. Do you see long whiskers on the top of every distribution? Let them be, but the better idea is to clean it before we start Kriging. In the next paragraph, we will detect and remove outliers from a block dataset.

3) Detect and remove outliers#

With the idea of how the Variogram Point Cloud works, we can detect and “remove” outliers from our dataset. In this part of the tutorial, we use another dataset. It represents the breast cancer rates in counties of the Northeastern part of the U.S. Each county will be transformed into its centroid. Those centroids are not evenly spaced, and we expect the dataset may be modeled incorrectly for several steps.

# Read and prepare data

DATASET = 'samples/regularization/cancer_data.gpkg'
GEOMETRY_COL = 'geometry'
MAX_RANGE = 400000
STEP_SIZE = 40000

AREAL_INPUT = Blocks()
AREAL_INPUT.from_file(DATASET, value_col=POLYGON_VALUE, index_col=POLYGON_ID, layer_name=POLYGON_LAYER)

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /home/szymon/miniconda3/envs/pyinterpolate38/share/proj failed
FIPS geometry rate centroid_x centroid_y
0 25019 MULTIPOLYGON (((2115688.816 556471.240, 211569... 192.2 2.132630e+06 557971.155949
1 36121 POLYGON ((1419423.430 564830.379, 1419729.721 ... 166.8 1.442153e+06 550673.935704
2 33001 MULTIPOLYGON (((1937530.728 779787.978, 193751... 157.4 1.958207e+06 766008.383446
3 25007 MULTIPOLYGON (((2074073.532 539159.504, 207411... 156.7 2.082188e+06 556830.822367
4 25001 MULTIPOLYGON (((2095343.207 637424.961, 209528... 155.3 2.100747e+06 600235.845891
areal_centroids = AREAL_INPUT.data[[AREAL_INPUT.cx, AREAL_INPUT.cy, AREAL_INPUT.value_column_name]].values
# Create analysis parameters

# Check max distance between points

distances = calc_point_to_point_distance(areal_centroids[:, :-1])
maximum_range = np.max(distances) / 2

number_of_lags = 8
step_size = maximum_range / number_of_lags

vc = VariogramCloud(input_array=areal_centroids, step_size=step_size, max_range=maximum_range)
for idx, _lag in enumerate(vc.lags):
    print(f'Lag {_lag} has {vc.points_per_lag[idx]} point pairs.')
Lag 75303.56650292415 has 1936 point pairs.
Lag 150607.1330058483 has 4740 point pairs.
Lag 225910.69950877246 has 6532 point pairs.
Lag 301214.2660116966 has 7254 point pairs.
Lag 376517.83251462074 has 7066 point pairs.
Lag 451821.39901754487 has 5904 point pairs.
Lag 527124.9655204691 has 4494 point pairs.

Our data is skewed towards large values. Thus, we will remove outliers from the upper part of the dataset. We will use the interquartile range algorithm. It detects outliers as all points below the first quartile of a data plus m (positive or zero float) standard deviations and all points above the 3rd quartile plus n (positive or zero float) standard deviations. The important thing is that the absolute values of m and n can differ. We should fit those values to the distribution and its skewness.

The class VariogramCloud has the internal method .remove_outliers(). With the parameter inplace set to True, we can overwrite the variogram point cloud, but if we set it to False, it will return a new VariogramCloud object with a cleaned variogram point cloud. Other parameters:

  • method: is a string that removes outliers. We have two methods, one based on z-scores and the interquartile range method. Both have upper and lower bounds. The Z-score method is invoked with method='zscore', and arguments for this function are z_lower_limit and z_upper_limit (number of standard deviations from the mean down and up, or negative and positive).

  • iqr_lower_limit: how many standard deviations should be subtracted from the first quartile to set a limit of valid values,

  • iqr_upper_limit: how many standard deviations should be added to the 3rd quartile to set a limit of valid values.

The values we will get will be within limits:

\[q1 - (m * std) < V < q3 + (n * std),\]

Where: * \(q1\): 1st quartile, * \(q3\): 3rd quartile, * \(std\): standard deviation, * \(m\): real value greater than 0, * \(n\): real value greater than 0, * \(V\): the cleaned array.

cvc = vc.remove_outliers(method='iqr', iqr_lower_limit=3, iqr_upper_limit=2, inplace=False)

When we compare both figures - before and after data cleaning - we see that the y-axis of the second plot is 6-7 times smaller than the y-axis of the first plot! We’ve cleaned our data from the extreme values.

4) Calculate experimental semivariogram from point cloud#

The last but not least property of the experimental variogram point cloud is that we may calculate the semivariogram directly from it. The method for it is .calculate_experimental_variogram(). Let’s compare outputs from two algorithms.

exp_variogram_from_points = calculate_semivariance(areal_centroids, step_size=step_size, max_range=maximum_range)
exp_variogram_from_p_cloud = vc.calculate_experimental_variogram()
np.array_equal(exp_variogram_from_points, exp_variogram_from_p_cloud)

Both semivariograms are the same, but methods to obtain these were different.

Where to go from here?#

  • A.2.3 Experimental Variogram and Variogram Point Cloud Classes

  • B.1.1 Ordinary and Simple Kriging

  • B.1.3 Outliers and Kriging Model

  • B.2.1 Directional Ordinary Kriging



Change description



The tutorial was refreshed and set along with the 0.5.0 version of the package



Tutorial updated for the version 0.3.7 of the package



Tutorial updated for the 0.3.5 version of the package



Updated to the version 0.3.4



Corrected data selection, now tutorial will run faster



Updated to the version 0.3.0



Changed behavior of select_values_in_range() function



Refactored TheoreticalSemivariogram (name change of class attribute) and refactored calc_semivariance_from_pt_cloud() function to protect calculations from NaN's.

@ethmtrgt & @SimonMolinsky


Refactored the Outlier Removal algorithm - quantile based algorithm



Refactored the Outlier Removal algorithm



Refactored TheoreticalSemivariogram class



Update related to the change of semivariogram weighting. Updated cancer rates data.


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