C.1.1 Blocks to points Ordinary Kriging#

Table of Contents:#

  1. Read block data,

  2. Detect and remove outliers,

  3. Create semivariogram model,

  4. Read point data canvas,

  5. Build map of interpolated values,

  6. Show map of interpolated values with choropleth map of the breast cancer rates.


This tutorial is based on the question of user @ikey from Discord channel of the package (02/04/2021). Thank you @ikey for your engagement!

In short:

Are we able to perform Semivariogram Regularization and Poisson Kriging if our point support represents only points without any values?

No, it’s not possible. But there is a hack that we can use - we can interpolate missing values from areal centroids with Ordinary and Simple Kriging just like we do with regular points. Why is it not possible with unknown points?

The idea behind semivariogram regularization of areal aggregates is to use semivariogram of point support. Point support must reflect an ongoing process. For example, in the case of epidemiology:

  1. We have areal counts of infections divided by POPULATION over some areas.

  2. We take POPULATION blocks (points) with a number of inhabitants per block and use those as support for our map. Thus we transform the choropleth map into the point map, and only to the points where someone is living ==> someone may be infected. We skip large parts of the map where the risk of infection is not present because no one is living there.

  3. We finally obtain the population-at-risk map of points or smoothed choropleth map of infection risk without large visual bias where large/small areas seem to be more important.

This works when we have specific counts over area divided by another parameter (time, population, probability, volume, etc.). In this scenario, we can find a function that links our areal counts with those underlying variables and/or processes. Without support values, we are not able to perform semivariogram regularization.

What we want to achieve may be done with Ordinary Kriging (because our points are unknown), and semivariogram regularization is not required (and not possible without any values).

In summary, we will learn how to:

  • transform areal data into points,

  • detect and remove outliers from data,

  • create an interpolated map from unknown points,

  • visualize and save the created map.

We use:

  • for point canvas: samples/point_data/shapefile/regular_grid_points.shp,

  • for areal centroids: Breast cancer rates data is stored in the shapefile samples/regularization/cancer_data.gpkg.

This tutorial requires understanding concepts presented in Semivariogram Estimation and Variogram Point Cloud tutorials along with Ordinary and Simple Kriging notebook and (optionally) Semivariogram Regularization tutorial.

Import packages#

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pyinterpolate import Blocks, VariogramCloud, TheoreticalVariogram, kriging

1) Read areal data#

The block data represents the breast cancer rates in the Northeastern part of the United States. Rate is the number of new cases divided by the population in a county, and this fraction is multiplied by a constant factor of 100,000.

We read data from geopackage and use only rate, centroid.x, and centroid.y columns.

# Read and prepare data

DATASET = 'samples/regularization/cancer_data.gpkg'
GEOMETRY_COL = 'geometry'
MAX_RANGE = 400000
STEP_SIZE = 40000

AREAL_INPUT = Blocks()
AREAL_INPUT.from_file(DATASET, value_col=POLYGON_VALUE, index_col=POLYGON_ID, layer_name=POLYGON_LAYER)

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /home/szymon/miniconda3/envs/pyinterpolate38/share/proj failed
FIPS geometry rate centroid_x centroid_y
0 25019 MULTIPOLYGON (((2115688.816 556471.240, 211569... 192.2 2.132630e+06 557971.155949
1 36121 POLYGON ((1419423.430 564830.379, 1419729.721 ... 166.8 1.442153e+06 550673.935704
2 33001 MULTIPOLYGON (((1937530.728 779787.978, 193751... 157.4 1.958207e+06 766008.383446
3 25007 MULTIPOLYGON (((2074073.532 539159.504, 207411... 156.7 2.082188e+06 556830.822367
4 25001 MULTIPOLYGON (((2095343.207 637424.961, 209528... 155.3 2.100747e+06 600235.845891
areal_centroids = AREAL_INPUT.data[['centroid_x', 'centroid_y', 'rate']].values
array([2.13262960e+06, 5.57971156e+05, 1.92200000e+02])

2) Detect and remove outliers#

We check and clean data before the semivariogram fitting and the Ordinary Kriging interpolation. Variogram Point Cloud is the best way to analyze data and detect outliers. We inspect and compare different lags and step sizes and their respective point clouds. Then we will create multiple variograms and Kriging models.

# Create analysis parameters

maximum_range = 300000

number_of_lags = [4, 8, 16]
step_sizes = [maximum_range / x for x in number_of_lags]

variogram_clouds = []

for step_size in step_sizes:
    vc = VariogramCloud(input_array=areal_centroids, step_size=step_size, max_range=maximum_range+step_size)
for vc in variogram_clouds:
    print(f'Lags per area: {len(vc.lags)}')
Lags per area: 4


Lags per area: 8


Lags per area: 16


What does a fast check tell us?

  • point to point errors per lag are skewed toward positive values (the mean is always greater than the median),

  • less lags == less variability,

  • variability in the last case (32 lags) seems to be too high,

  • variability in the first case (4 lags) seems to be too small,

  • there are extreme semivariance values, and the largest extremities are present for the most distant lags.

What can we do?

  • remove outliers (extremely high semivariances) per each lag,

  • use a small number of neighbors and a range close to 200,000 to avoid unnecessary computations.

# Now remove outliers from each lag

_ = [vc.remove_outliers(method='iqr', iqr_lower_limit=3, iqr_upper_limit=1.5, inplace=True) for vc in variogram_clouds]
# And show data without outliers

for vc in variogram_clouds:
    print(f'Lags per area: {len(vc.lags)}')
Lags per area: 4


Lags per area: 8


Lags per area: 16


If we compare the y axis before and after removing outliers, we may see that values are now smaller and densely populated. After outlier removal, we see also that 32 lags are too much, and especially for the first lag, it generates too much noise. We can expect that model based on this division will work poorly.

3. Create a theoretical semivariogram model#

Semivariogram may be fitted manually or automatically. In this case, we fit it automatically - we test multiple models, and it’s easier to use the autofit() method of the TheoreticalVariogram object. We didn’t force any model to see how different results we would get.

theoretical_semivariograms = []

for idx, vc in enumerate(variogram_clouds):

    print(f'Semivariance calculated for {vc.lags} lags.')
    # Calculate experimental model
    exp_model = vc.calculate_experimental_variogram()

    # Assign experimental model and data to TheoreticalSemivariogram

    theo_semi = TheoreticalVariogram()
    theo_semi.autofit(experimental_variogram=exp_model, nugget=0)
    print('Model parameters:')
    print('Model type:', theo_semi.name)
    print('Nugget:', theo_semi.nugget)
    print('Sill:', theo_semi.sill)
    print('Range:', theo_semi.rang)
    print('Model error:', theo_semi.rmse)
Semivariance calculated for [ 75000. 150000. 225000. 300000.] lags.

Model parameters:
Model type: spherical
Nugget: 0
Sill: 104.18060667237297
Range: 118000.0
Model error: 7.462726772043129

Semivariance calculated for [ 37500.  75000. 112500. 150000. 187500. 225000. 262500. 300000.] lags.

Model parameters:
Model type: spherical
Nugget: 0
Sill: 109.59322531046718
Range: 70000.0
Model error: 9.709346473449811

Semivariance calculated for [ 18750.  37500.  56250.  75000.  93750. 112500. 131250. 150000. 168750.
 187500. 206250. 225000. 243750. 262500. 281250. 300000.] lags.

Model parameters:
Model type: spherical
Nugget: 0
Sill: 111.06413642423938
Range: 30000.0
Model error: 21.29533062806228

/home/szymon/Documents/Programming/Repositories/pyinterpolate-environment/pyinterpolate/pyinterpolate/variogram/theoretical/semivariogram.py:509: UserWarning: If you provide experimental variogram as a numpy array you must remember that the direction parameter must be set if it is a directional variogram. Otherwise, algorithm assumes that variogram is isotropic.

Each case has a different model type, a different sill, and a different range! How do we choose the model parameters appropriately in this scenario? Error rises with the number of lags but is it a good indicator of the semivariogram fit? No, and we should be careful when choosing variograms with a few lags instead of variograms with multiple lags. We may miss some spatial patterns that will be averaged with a smaller number of lags. The 8-lag variogram seems to be the best because RMSE is the lowest. On the other hand, 32-lags variograms work poorly!

4. Read point data canvas#

Our variogram model is ready to load the point file as the GeoDataFrame object, which stores the geometry column and data features as tables.

points = 'samples/point_data/shapefile/regular_grid_points.shp'  # file with grid for analysis
gdf_pts = gpd.read_file(points)
gdf_pts.set_index('id', inplace=True)
gdf_pts['x'] = gdf_pts.geometry.x
gdf_pts['y'] = gdf_pts.geometry.y
geometry x y
81.0 POINT (1277277.671 441124.507) 1.277278e+06 441124.5068
82.0 POINT (1277277.671 431124.507) 1.277278e+06 431124.5068
83.0 POINT (1277277.671 421124.507) 1.277278e+06 421124.5068
84.0 POINT (1277277.671 411124.507) 1.277278e+06 411124.5068
85.0 POINT (1277277.671 401124.507) 1.277278e+06 401124.5068

5. Build a map of interpolated values#

We can model all values in a batch. If we set the number_of_workers parameter to -1 or a positive integer, then the algorithm will use parallel processing functions to speed up calculations.

Based on the learning from a semivariogram modeling step, we will set a number of neighboring areas to 8 and range to 200000. We will append interpolated values and errors to an existing data frame and plot them to compare results.

preds_cols = []
errs_cols = []

for semi_model in theoretical_semivariograms:
    kriged = kriging(observations=areal_centroids,
                     points=gdf_pts[['x', 'y']].values,

    # Interpolate missing values and uncertainty
    pred_col_name = 'p ' + semi_model.name[:3] + ' ' + str(len(semi_model.lags))
    uncertainty_col_name = 'e ' + semi_model.name[:3] + ' ' + str(len(semi_model.lags))
    gdf_pts[pred_col_name] = kriged[:, 0]
    gdf_pts[uncertainty_col_name] = kriged[:, 1]
100%|██████████| 5419/5419 [00:54<00:00, 99.68it/s]
100%|██████████| 5419/5419 [00:26<00:00, 206.25it/s]
100%|██████████| 5419/5419 [00:22<00:00, 238.09it/s]
geometry x y p sph 4 e sph 4 p sph 8 e sph 8 p sph 16 e sph 16
81.0 POINT (1277277.671 441124.507) 1.277278e+06 441124.5068 132.133667 65.848568 133.061501 100.081621 131.969565 115.893012
82.0 POINT (1277277.671 431124.507) 1.277278e+06 431124.5068 130.583635 64.566536 131.102959 100.171994 130.604348 115.893012
83.0 POINT (1277277.671 421124.507) 1.277278e+06 421124.5068 129.607074 63.776407 130.397073 99.884160 130.604348 115.893012
84.0 POINT (1277277.671 411124.507) 1.277278e+06 411124.5068 128.854301 63.223374 130.168520 99.475313 130.604348 115.893012
85.0 POINT (1277277.671 401124.507) 1.277278e+06 401124.5068 128.549723 62.707759 130.652012 98.828762 130.860000 115.506702

This is the somewhat complicated function in which we interpolate missing values as new columns of GeoDataFrame. Uncertainty is assigned to interpolated results for further analysis.

Now we can save our GeoDataFrame as a shapefile.

# Save interpolation results


Now we will check the results directly in the notebook.

6. Show a map of interpolated values with a choropleth map of the breast cancer rates#

# Now compare results to choropleth maps
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(16, 16), sharex='all', sharey='all')

base1 = AREAL_INPUT.data.plot(ax=axes[0, 0], legend=True, edgecolor='black', color='white')
base2 = AREAL_INPUT.data.plot(ax=axes[0, 1], legend=True, edgecolor='black', color='white')
base3 = AREAL_INPUT.data.plot(ax=axes[0, 2], legend=True, edgecolor='black', color='white')
base4 = AREAL_INPUT.data.plot(ax=axes[1, 0], legend=True, edgecolor='black', color='white')
base5 = AREAL_INPUT.data.plot(ax=axes[1, 1], legend=True, edgecolor='black', color='white')
base6 = AREAL_INPUT.data.plot(ax=axes[1, 2], legend=True, edgecolor='black', color='white')

gdf_pts.plot(ax=base1, column=preds_cols[0], cmap='Spectral_r', alpha=0.3)
gdf_pts.plot(ax=base2, column=preds_cols[1], cmap='Spectral_r', alpha=0.3)
gdf_pts.plot(ax=base3, column=preds_cols[2], cmap='Spectral_r', alpha=0.3)
gdf_pts.plot(ax=base4, column=errs_cols[0], cmap='Reds', alpha=0.3)
gdf_pts.plot(ax=base5, column=errs_cols[1], cmap='Reds', alpha=0.3)
gdf_pts.plot(ax=base6, column=errs_cols[2], cmap='Reds', alpha=0.3)

axes[0, 0].set_title(preds_cols[0])
axes[0, 1].set_title(preds_cols[1])
axes[0, 2].set_title(preds_cols[2])
axes[1, 0].set_title(errs_cols[0])
axes[1, 1].set_title(errs_cols[1])
axes[1, 2].set_title(errs_cols[2])

plt.suptitle('Comparison of different Kriging models outputs')

Visual inspection shows that:

The circular model and the exponential model have created the smoothest results. An interesting pattern emerges on uncertainty maps. The variance errors are smoother on the first map (the circular model). The middle map produces a higher variance in output, but it still works as a filter. The last model doesn’t perform well, has too strict distance constraints, and the final outcome is not smooth. Sharply increasing variance errors on the uncertainty map of the cubic model tell us that maybe we have chosen the wrong model - we are not able to retrieve meaningful information from it.

Are absolute errors between maps large or not? Let’s check it in the last step:

for pcol1 in preds_cols:
    print('Column:', pcol1)
    for pcol2 in preds_cols:
        if pcol1 == pcol2:
            mad = gdf_pts[pcol1] - gdf_pts[pcol2]
            mad = np.abs(np.mean(mad))
            print(f'Mean Absolute Difference with {pcol2} is {mad:.4f}')
Column: p sph 4
Mean Absolute Difference with p sph 8 is 0.2395
Mean Absolute Difference with p sph 16 is 0.6387

Column: p sph 8
Mean Absolute Difference with p sph 4 is 0.2395
Mean Absolute Difference with p sph 16 is 0.3993

Column: p sph 16
Mean Absolute Difference with p sph 4 is 0.6387
Mean Absolute Difference with p sph 8 is 0.3993

That differences are tiny, so we shouldn’t throw away one model after another. Semivariogram models are comparable. I prefer the 8-lag theoretical variogram with an exponential model, and it has the best bias-to-variance ratio and a low RMSE error.



Change description



The tutorial was refreshed and set along with the 0.5.0 version of the package



Tutorial updated for the 0.4.1 version of the package



Tutorial updated for the 0.3.5 version of the package



Tutorial updated for the 0.3.4 version of the package



Tutorial updated for the 0.3.0 version of the package



Sill selection was upgraded: now optimal sill is derived from the grid search within TheoreticalSemivariogram class



Changed behavior of select_values_in_range() function



Behavior of prepare_kriging_data() function has changed



Refactored TheoreticalSemivariogram (name change of class attribute) and refactored calc_semivariance_from_pt_cloud() functions to protect calculations from NaN's.

@ethmtrgt & @SimonMolinsky


Refactored TheoreticalSemivariogram class



Update related to the change of semivariogram weighting. Updated cancer rates data.


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